Creativity can be trained — like a muscle, it strengthens with use.

We built Creative Everywhere to become more innovative at work and imaginative in our daily lives! With frequent creative thinking practice, we come up with a greater number of surprising ideas and notice more opportunities.

Join us for a short, daily workout!

Innovative breakthroughs are made possible by the thousands of small, wild, random, messy ideas along the way. Research shows that innovative thinkers made creativity a habit: they practiced generating ideas, switching perspectives, and trying new things every day.

When could you practice creative thinking?

Creativity is a combination of noticing, imagining, reframing, improvising, making connections, and finding alternatives. Creative Everywhere strengthens all those skills!

Pay particular attention to this today:

Notice when you self-censor, critiquing your ideas and thoughts as they come up. Maybe say “Ah ha! I’m self-censoring.” Then, welcome each idea, and look for what’s interesting about it.

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